Installing an actuator is a simple process, but it should be done with extreme care for the better working of the control valve. These are the couple of very important steps to follow:
Step 1:
Remove the stem button first, never lose the screw. Ensure the valve body is installed correctly with the arrow pointing in the direction of flow.
Step 2:
Slide the valve position indicator on the valve stem. The indicator will self align to the yoke after one fully open and close cycle.
Step 3:
If the valve stem has a threaded hole to link with the valve stem. Drive the shaft all the way onto the valve stem until it is fully connected to no Thread showing by rotating the actuator in the direction of the clock. Use a pin or clamp to prevent the valve from turning.
Step 4:
Orient the conduit hole in the direction most desirable, then tighten the locknuts on the U bolt.
Step 5:
Drop the set screw into the top of the shaft slotted side up. (Stem from the valve or plastic bag. It’s better to use the plastic bag set screw because it has threads to lock.)
Step 6:
To lock the valve stem in position, tighten the fixed screw. The fixed screw is self-locking, it is not free to switch.
Wire the controller and power to the actuator and replace the cover