Category Topics

Field Instrumentation

Field instruments or smart transmitters monitor process control variables, such as temperature, pressure, level and flow. Analog Devices offer a wide range of products, signal chain solutions, and technical expertise to help engineers meet today's design challenges.

Industrial Automation

Industrial automation deals primarily with the automation of manufacturing, quality control and material handling processes. General purpose controllers for industrial processes include Programmable logic controllers and computers. One trend is increased use of Machine vision to provide automatic inspection and robot guidance functions, another is a continuing increase in the use of robots.

Interview Q & A

Interview Questions and Answers - Filed Instrumentation and Calibration Related Question and answers.

Software and Tools

Instrumentation Software and Instrumentation Tools,Industrial Automation Software and Tools,Electrical Engineering Tools

Industrial Networking

Discussions about issues with networking in the automation sector

DCS (Distributed Control Systems)

Programmable Logic Controllers and Distributed Control Systems are used to send, receive and process data from sensors, control valves and actuators as part of the control system in modern Manufacturing and Processing Plants. Analog Devices offers a wide range of products, signal chain solutions and technical expertise to help engineers meet today’s design challenges.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers)

Programmable Logic Controllers and Distributed Control Systems are used to send, receive and process data from sensors, control valves and actuators as part of the control system in modern Manufacturing and Processing Plants. Analog Devices offers a wide range of products, signal chain solutions and technical expertise to help engineers meet today’s design challenges.


In depth discussions about the various electrical implications in the automation sector

Microsoft Excel Tips

Tips in Microsoft Excel to make you excel In Excel and get work done quickly using short cuts and other hacks which would be very much useful in your MS Office experience

Automation and Instrumentation Project Management

All about Automation and Instrumentation Project Management, discussion on various process and best methods to save time and get work done efficiently

Job Opportunities & Freelance Projects

Industrial Automation Jobs , Instrumentation Jobs , Process control Jobs , PLC Programming , DCS Programming , SCADA , HMI developmet , Graphics Development, P&ID Development, Documentation, Instrumentation Designs.

Fire and gas

Fire and gas system or part of a combined system consisting of components and circuits arranged to monitor and announce the state of the fire or the presence of gas alarm or monitoring signal initiating devices and initiate the appropriate response to those signals .
In this session we are gonna discuss about some fire and gas detection systems ,sensors ,working principle etc

Home Automation

Home automation, otherwise known as the Smart home is domestic automation for homes. Home automation is the complete computerization of house and household electrical and electronic appliances. It may incorporate with controllers for controlling lighting, HVAC, machines, and different frameworks, to give enhanced accommodation, solace, better energy saving, productivity and security.