Length conversion table

What is Unit Conversion?

Unit conversion is a multi-step procedure that requires multiplying or dividing by a numerical factor or, more specifically, a conversion factor. The technique may also necessitate selecting the appropriate number of significant digits and rounding.

What is Length Measurement?

Length conversion formulas are formulas for converting the value of length from one unit to another. There are numerous length conversion methods.

For instance, you can change a kilometer into a meter, a mile into a yard, a yard into an inch, and so on. For measurements to match across several scales, length conversion is required.

The most generally used length scales are Millimeter (mm), Inches (in), Centimetres (cm), Meters (M), and Feet (ft).

Units of Length

  • Millimeter (mm)
  • Inches (in)
  • Centimetres (cm)
  • Meters (M)
  • Feet (ft)

Pressure Conversion table

Temperature Conversion Table

Define Length Conversion

The process of converting length involves using the appropriate conversion factor to change the length units. We deal with measurements on a daily basis and multiplying or dividing these measures results in the needed unit.

For instance, a book’s length is measured in centimeters, a table’s height is measured in inches, and we measure our height in feet. By carrying out fixed conversion processes, each of these units can be transformed into another unit. It is known as length conversion when we change the length from one unit to another.

Table of Length Conversion

We may establish the conversion factors for length if we use the meter as the base unit of length. The conversion factors for length from meters (m) to other units of length are shown in the table below.

The basic unit of length, meter (m) Conversion factor to other metric units
1 m 1000 millimeters
1 m 100 centimetres
1m 10 decimetres
1 m 1/10 decametres
1 m 1/100 hectometres
1 m 1/1000 kilometers

The values for metric length conversion are shown in the above table. However, there are more length units available in the imperial system of measuring. These can be expressed as follows:

Imperial measurement of length Conversion factor Conversions to the basic unit of length, i.e., m
1 inch 0.083 foot 0.0254 m
1 foot 12 inches 0.3048 m
1 yard 3 feet 0.9144 m
1 fathom 6 feet 1.829 m
1 rod 5.50 yards 5.029 m
1 nautical mile 1.151 miles 1852 meters
1 mile 1760 yards 1609 meters
1 furlong 220 yards 201 meters

Length to Volume Conversion

Conversion of volume units to length units is referred to as volume to length conversion. It is possible to see in some mathematical issues that the volume of three-dimensional shaped things can be described in terms of liters (volume units), which are frequently converted into cm3 or m3 (length units) depending on the situation. We can apply the conversion formulas listed below in this kind of issue.

1 litre = 1000 mL = 103mL = 10−3 m3

1 millilitre = 10−3L = 10−6 m3

1 m3 = 1000 L = 106 mL

1 cm3 = 10−3 L = 1 mL

1 dm3 = 10−3 m3 = 1 L

How to convert millimeters to inches?

1 millimeter is equal to 0.03937007874 inches:

1mm = (1/25.4)″ = 0.03937007874″

The distance (d) in inches (″) is equal to the distance d in millimeters (mm) divided by 25.4:

d (″) = d(mm) / 25.4


Convert 20 mm to inches:

d (″) = 20mm / 25.4 = 0.7874″

How many inches in a millimeter?

One inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters

1in = 25.4mm/in × 1in = 25.4mm

Things to remember

  • Before attempting to answer the questions, it is crucial to convert each unique length measurement into a single, universal unit.
  • By dividing by 10 or other multiples of 10, or multiplying by 10, one can convert between the imperial and metric systems.
  • The SI unit of length, or basic unit of length, is also known as the meter.