Flow Conversion table

What is the flow rate?

The flow rate is the speed at which fluid in a pipe moves, or the speed at which it moves from one place to another location.

The flow rate Q, or Q=Vt, is defined as the volume V flowing through a point in time t.


V represents volume

t is time.

The SI volume unit is cubic meters (m3).

Flow rate and velocity are connected by the equation Q=Av, where A is the flow’s cross-sectional area and v is its average velocity.

Volumetric flow rate = V / t = Volume / time

Another concept linked to mass flow rate is mass flux or mass current. This time, it is the mass of a material that flows through a certain cross-sectional area per unit of time rather than its volume.

Mass flow rate = m / t = mass / time

How do I calculate the flow rate?

Drops per minute must be calculated using the drop factor. Total volume (in mL) divided by time (in minutes) multiplied by the drop factor (in gtts/mL) equals the IV flow rate in gtts/min.

What are Flow Conversion Formulas?

Flow conversion formulas are formulas for converting the value of flow from one unit to another. There are numerous flow conversion methods. The most generally used flow scales are litre, gallon, imperial gallon, etc. The flow conversion formulas are described below:

Flow rate conversion

  • 1m3=103L
  • 1ft3=28.3168466L
  • 1U.S Fluid Gallon=3.785411784L
  • 1Imperial Gallon=4.54609L
Group Unit Name Result Unit
Metric Litres Per Hour 60 L/hour
Litres Per Minute 1 L/min
Litres Per Second 0.016666666666667 L/sec
Millilitres Per Hour 60,000 mL/hour
MillilitresPer Minute 1,000 mL/min
MillilitresPer Second 16.666666666667 mL/Sec
Cubic meters Per Hour 0.06 m3/hour
Cubic meters Per Minute 0.001 m3/min
Cubic meters Per Second 1.6666666666667E-5 m3/Sec
Cubic millimeter per Hour 60,000,000 mm3/hour
Cubic millimeter Per Minute 1,000,000 mm3/min
Cubic millimeter Per Second 16,666.666666667 mm3/ sec
Imperial Cubic feet per Hour 2.1188800032893 ft3/hour
Cubic feet per Minute 0.035314666721489 ft3/min
Cubic feet per Second 5.8857777869148E-4 ft3/sec
U.S Fluid Gallons per Hour (U.S.) 15.850323141489 gal/hour
Gallons per Minute(U.S.) 0.26417205235815 gal/min
Gallons per Second(U.S.) 0.0044028675393025 gal/sec
Imperial Gallons per Hour (Imperial) 13.198154897945 gal/hour
Gallons per Minute (Imperial) 0.21996924829909 gal/min
Gallons per Second (Imperial) 0.0036661541383181 gal/sec

What is an IV drip rate and IV drop factor?

An IV drip rate describes the rate of an intravenous infusion depending on the number of drips (gtt) given to the patient every minute. This is determined by the tubing type (micro drip or macro drip), the total amount to be infused, and the length of time the infusion is set to run.

Pressure Conversion table

Temperature Conversion Table

Length conversion table

An IV drop factor describes the particular size of the IV fluid drops produced by the tubing system. This is a fixed value determined by the amount of tubing necessary and available to give the drug. Micro drip or macro drip tubing is available.

The IV drip rate is calculated using the following simple formula: Total Volume (mL)/Time (min) x Drop Factor (gtt/mL) = IV Drip Rate (gtt/min).

What are the differences between micro drip IV tubing and macro drip IV tubing?

Microdrip IV tubing produces extremely small drip sizes for treatments that must be administered carefully and/or for patient populations that are highly sensitive to large doses of pharmaceuticals (namely, neonatal and pediatric patients). The drip factor for microdrip is commonly approximated to be 60 gtt/mL.

Macrodrip IV tubing is more prevalent and has larger fluid droplets than microdrip tubing.The macrodrip drip factor is typically between 10 and 20 gtt/mL.