Why is alternating current (AC) better for long-distance power transmission than direct current (DC)?

Alternating current, also known as AC, is preferred over direct current, also known as DC, for the transmission of electrical power over long distances for a number of reasons, including the following:


Less amount of electricity lost

AC electricity may be readily converted to high voltages for transmission, which results in a reduction in the flow of current that is carried by the transmission lines. Because of this, the power that is lost as a result of the transmission lines’ inherent resistance is cut down significantly. DC power, on the other hand, cannot be readily amplified, and as a result, the current that flows through the transmission lines is higher, which results in a significant amount of power loss.

Ability to utilise transformers

Transformers make it simple to change the voltage of alternating current (AC) electricity. These devices are required for both increasing the voltage for long distance transmission and reducing the voltage for usage in residential and commercial settings. DC electricity, on the other hand, cannot be converted by conventional transformers; thus, unique converters are necessary for the transmission and distribution of DC power.

More efficient generators

AC generators are easier to operate and more efficient than DC generators, making AC generators the better choice for large-scale power production because of their lower complexity and higher efficiency. This is due to the fact that AC generators are able to create AC power via the process of electromagnetic induction, which is a more efficient method than the process of generating DC power through the use of a commutator.

Reduce equipment costs

Although AC equipment is, on average, less costly than DC equipment, it is better suited for long-distance power transmission since it is more cost-effective.


As opposed to DC power, alternating current (AC) has the benefit of being able to be readily terminated by a switch( or) a circuit breaker, which makes it safer for transmission over long distances. DC power does not have this ability. In addition, the amount of potentially harmful magnetic field that is produced by AC power is far less than that produced by DC power.

When all of these are taken into consideration, AC is a better method over DC when it comes to the transfer of electricity over long distances.