Why is a coriolis flow meter used instead of a volumetric flowmeter?

Why is a coriolis flow meter used instead of a volumetric flowmeter?

A Coriolis flow meter is used instead of a volumetric flow meter for several key reasons:A Coriolis flow meter is used instead of a volumetric flow meter for several key reasons:

Direct mass flow measurement:

Coriolis flow meters operate directly in terms of mass flow for a certain type of fluid, not volumetric mass. This affords a better and accurate approach of its measurement since mass flow do not change with density, temperature and pressure of the fluid in the pipe.

Fluid property independence:

Coriolis flow meter on the other hand is not influenced by such factors as density,viscosity or composition of the flowing fluid unlike the volumetric flow meters. First, they possess high accuracy in the measurement of the mass flow of liquids, gases as well as non-newtonian fluids.

Higher accuracy and repeatability:

Coriolis flow meters can give very accurate mass flow rate measurements, with tolerance likely to be of the order of 0. 1-0. 5% of the reading. They also possess good reproducibility, which allows their usage in cases where a particular process’s stability is paramount.

Simultaneous measurement of additional parameters:

Besides, the Coriolis flow meters allow for the mass flow measurement in conjunction with the density and temperature of a fluid which can further enhance process awareness.

Wider flow range:

Coriolis flow meters usually have a higher turndown ratio, meaning that their range for accurate flow measurement is greater among different flow rates than in the case of volumetric flow meters

Refer the below link for Streamlining Your Flowmeter Selection Process: Tips and Insights