Why Distilled Water does not Conduct Electricity?

Why Distilled Water does not Conduct Electricity?

Distilled Water (Deionized water) is characterized by an exceptionally low conductivity due to the absence of ions.

Ions, which include salts and minerals, are removed from deionized water during the purification process, which makes the water non-conductive and makes it suitable for usage in close proximity to electrical components.

This fluid, when sprayed, eliminates debris and dirt without causing any electrical conduits to be created, as, Pure water does not conduct electricity.

There is no conductive residue left behind when the cleaning process is finished since the water either evaporates (or) is wiped away.

In addition to enhancing both efficiency and safety, this method ensures that the supply of power will not be interrupted.

When it comes to electrical maintenance, it is a primary one.

Safety Precautions

  1. High-pressure systems ensure that personnel are kept at a safe distance from live components by utilizing specialized instruments.

  2. The use of protective gear, such as arc-rated clothing, rubber boots, and insulated gloves, ensures the highest possible level of safety.

  3. Before starting the procedure, thorough inspections are performed in order to identify any potential vulnerabilities.

  4. Live-line cleaning job responsibilities are only handled by certified professionals.

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