Which of the following outdoor lights like LED, Mercury vapor, Metal halide, High pressure sodium, Low pressure sodium, Fluorescent lights, Halogen lights, and Incandescent lights causes light pollution in environment?

LED, Mercury vapor, metal halide, high-pressure sodium, low-pressure sodium, and incandescent lights are commonly used real time lights.

Among these types of lights which generates more light pollution.

Mercury Vapor Lights:

Mercury vapor lights have a high light output and emit a bluish-white light. However, due to their wide spectrum and the scattering of light particles in the environment, they considerably contribute to light pollution.

Metal Halide Lights:

Used frequently for outdoor lighting, metal halide lights emit a bright white light. Similar to mercury vapour lights, they also contribute to light pollution, but to a lower amount.

High-Pressure Sodium Lights:

High-pressure sodium lights are frequently used for street lighting and emit a yellowish-orange light. Although they use less energy than metal halide or mercury vapour lights, they nevertheless cause light pollution.

Low-pressure sodium lights:

These lights emit a single colour of yellow light. They are the most energy-efficient alternative, yet despite their limited colour spectrum and strong yellow light, they can nevertheless contribute to light pollution.

Incandescent Lights:

The warm, yellowish light of incandescent lights is well-known. They can cause light pollution even though they are less effective than other solutions and are being phased out because of their energy usage.

On the other hand, fluorescent and LED lights are typically thought to contribute less to light pollution. LED lights may be made to minimize light spill and glare because they are extremely directed. In comparison to the preceding options, fluorescent lights can also be comparatively efficient and offer greater light management.

It’s crucial to remember that the degree of light pollution is also influenced by elements like lighting system design, appropriate installation, light shielding.