What is the difference between a circuit breaker used in power system engineering and an electric breaker used in electrical engineering?

A circuit breaker is a vital component in power system engineering that is used to regulate high voltage and current loads. These breakers are utilized in substations and transmission networks to protect electrical grids by halting fault currents & isolating problematic locations to avoid widespread outages. They are designed to handle large electrical loads & are frequently outfitted with sophisticated protection and control systems.

An electric breaker is a device employed in residential, commercial, or industrial applications to handle decreased voltage and current conditions. These breakers are installed in electrical panels to prevent overloads and short circuits. They protect the safety of electrical cables and associated equipment by immediately stopping power when a problem is detected.

The primary distinctions are their size of application, the amount of voltage & current they manage, & their function in protecting and controlling electrical systems.

Parameters Circuit Breaker in Power System Engineering Circuit Breaker in Electrical Engineering
Scale These breakers are intended to handle extremely high voltages (up to hundreds of kilovolts) & currents (thousands of amps). This feature serves as essential for protecting power grid components such as transformers, generators, & transmission lines. These breakers are utilized for systems with lower voltages, usually up to 600 volts, and currents of up to 1000 amps. This line is appropriate for residential, commercial, & light industrial settings.
Functionality They help to prevent cascade failures in the system by immediately isolating problems and rerouting power. Their activity can be synchronized with other grid protection devices to keep the system stable. Their major duty is to protect individual circuits against overloads and short circuits, hence ensuring the safety of electrical installations. When a problem is identified, the breaker trips, cutting off electricity to prevent further damage and potential fire threats.
Application These are essential to the stability and dependability of the electrical grid. They are strategically located in substations and on transmission lines to isolate faults & ensure service continuity. These are used in buildings to protect interior electrical cables and related equipment. They are found on distribution boards in homes, offices, & small industrial sites.