DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensing
Fiber optic distributed temperature sensing method using the raman effect was developed by University of southhampton UK.
Fiber optic DTS utilize similar optical Time-Domain Reflectrometry (OTDR) techniques developed for telecommunication cable testing.
Fiber optic based DTS measures temperature using optical fiber instead of thermocouples or thermistors. The optical fiber is the intrinsic sensor.
DTS systems represents a cost-effective method for obtaining thousands of accurate high-resolution temperature measurements. One temperature measurement per meter along the length of the optical fiber sensor cable.
DTS technology offers a safe and non-intrusive measurement and has the capability to identify the location of any temperature change quickly and accurately.
Optical fiber is the temperature.
Safe - No current flowing.Explosion proof and non inductive.
Advantages of Fiber optic sensor cabling. -Immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electrical discharge. -Passive operation-No current flow,Intrinsically safe -Armoured or dielectric constructions are suitable for use in a broad range of environment. -Ruggedized,lightweight design enable ease in forming and attachment to a wide range of shapes and profiles. -Low signal losses enables extended sensor cable to be interrogated over many 10s of kilometer. -Multi segment sensor cable paths can be easily and reliably interconnected and signal conditioning equipment requires a small foot print.
Application examples of DTS- -Monitoring localized heat build-up along industrial conveyor / material handling system warn of the potential for an outbreak fire. DTS spans the entire structure,limits the potential “blind spots” as with discrete detector or IR camera monitoring.
-Electric power Transmission lines
-DTS for pipeline leak detection
-DTS for Geothermal well monitoring