What is Arduino and how to use it in projects?

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electrical project platform. Arduino consists of a hardware programmable circuit board (also known as a microcontroller) and software, known as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which runs on your computer and IDE helps the user to write and upload computer code to the Arduino board.

With good reason, the Arduino platform has gained in popularity among those just getting started with electronics. The Arduino, unlike most other programmable circuit boards, does not require a separate piece of hardware (known as a programmer) to load fresh code into the board; instead, all that is necessary is a USB cable. In addition, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++ to make programming easier.

The Arduino Uno is a great way to get started with electronics by doing exciting and engaging projects. This board is your gateway to the Arduino universe: it’s ideal for learning the fundamentals of how sensors and actuators function, as well as for rapid prototyping. The Arduino Uno Rev3 is the most popular and well-documented Arduino board. No one will be left alone thanks to the vibrant and helpful Arduino Uno community.

How to use Arduino in projects?

You can build programs and upload them to your board using the Arduino Software (IDE). There are two options on the Arduino Software page:

  • You should utilize the online IDE if you have a stable Internet connection (Arduino Web Editor). It will allow you to save your sketches in the cloud, making them accessible and backed up from any device. Without the need to install updates or community-generated libraries, you’ll always have the most up-to-date version of the IDE.
  • If you want to work offline, the newest version of the desktop IDE is recommended.

How to install the Arduino Desktop IDE?

Click the following link based on the which OS (operating system) you are using

2-Wheel obstacle avoiding robotic car


  • Chassis OR any toy car.
  • Arduino UNO/Mega.
  • Ultrasonic sensor HC SR-04.
  • 2 DC motors.
  • 9V/12V 1A battery.
  • Motor driver module L298.
  • Jumpers.
  • Single-stranded wires.

Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent gadget that can detect obstacles in its path and avoid them by moving in a different direction. This design enables the robot to travel in an unfamiliar environment while avoiding collisions, which is a must for any autonomous mobile robot. Obstacle Avoiding Robots have a wide range of applications, and they are now deployed in almost every military organization to assist with a variety of dangerous tasks that soldiers cannot perform.