This is written to explain the various communication options available on Honeywell pressure transmitters.
all ST3000 pressure transmitters must specify the communication protocol. The current selections are: H6: HART 6 DE: Honeywell Digital Enhanced AN: Analog output (4 to 20 ma, current) FF: Foundation fieldbus
H6 indicates that the customer wants to be able to digitally communicate with the transmitter using HART 6 protocol. The process variable output to the control system will be 4 to 20 ma.
DE indicates that the customer wants to be able to digitally communicate with the transmitter using Honeywell DE protocol. The default process variable output to the control system will be DE digital communication. The customer can later reconfigure the transmitter for 4 to ma output if needed.
AN indicates that the customer wants to be able to digitally communicate with the transmitter using Honeywell DE protocol. The process variable output to the control system will be 4 to ma. The transmitter is not capable of switching to DE mode.
FF indicates that the customer wants to be able to digitally communicate with the transmitter using fieldbus. The process variable output to the control system will be fieldbus protocol.