Steps to copy the configuration file from PC to switch:
Type the switch login password to get the “>” prompt.
Type “en” at the “>” prompt.
Type the enable password.
Type “copy xmodem: system:running-config” at the “#” prompt.
Press “Return (Enter)” key at the question asked.
From the Hyperterm menu bar, select Transfer > Send File.
Click Browse and navigate to the folder where you have saved the latest Switch Configuration file
Select the correct switch configuration file and click OPEN.
Select Xmodem under Protocol.
Click Send to start the file transfer.
When the transfer is complete a message will appear
Type “wr mem” at the “#” prompt.
Press “Return (Enter)” key at the question asked.
Type “sh run” at the “#” prompt and see if the ip address of “vlan1”, the “default gateway” and the “snmp-server” are showing the changed IP addresses.