PLC Controlled Three-phase Motor System

The motor must be able to operate in both directions, which can only be accomplished via a Forward/Reverse Control Logic circuit or a relay circuit.

In this condition, the most practical option would be a simple forward/reverse PLC control logic.

Thus, the three-phase asynchronous motor is controlled forward and reverse using a PLC system.

Two relays (or) contactors are utilized for motor control since two directions are required.

The first contactor controls the motor’s forward direction, while the second control its reverse direction.

The motor is also controlled by three pushbuttons:

• Stop,

• Forward, and

• Reverse.

So, the operator will utilize the Forward Pushbutton (FWD PB) to control the forward motor, the Reverse Push Button (REV PB) to control the reverse motor, and the Stop Pushbutton (STOP PB) to stop the motor.

The resulting wiring diagram is illustrated as follows:

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