Intrinsic safety (IS) and Non-intrinsic safety cable in dangerous place. Explain

Intrinsic safety (IS) and non-intrinsic safety are two different ways to create and build cables that can be used in dangerous places. Here are the main differences between wires that are intrinsically safe and those that are not

Usage & Safety

  • Intrinsic Safe Cables: Intrinsic safe cables are made and built so that they don’t make sparks or give off enough energy to start a fire in a dangerous environment. They are used in places where there is a chance of an explosion to prevent fires and keep people safe.
  • Non-Intrinsically Safe wires: Non-intrinsically safe wires don’t have as many safety features and aren’t made to keep fires from starting in dangerous places. Most of the time, they are used in places where there is no chance of a blast or fire.

Design and Construction:

  • Intrinsically safe wires are made with certain methods and materials to reduce the amount of electrical energy and stop sparks or arcs that could start fires in places with flammable gases, vapours, or dust. Low capacitance, low inductance, and low resistance limit the amount of energy and keep heat from building up.
  • Non-intrinsically safe cables are made for general use and may not have the same level of safety against sparks or energy release. They may have more capacitance, inductance, or resistance, which can lead to more energy that could start a fire in a dangerous environment.

Certification and Compliance

  • Intrinsically safe cables are checked and approved to make sure they meet certain international standards, explosive environments. These guidelines set the rules for intrinsic safety and make sure that the cables meet the safety requirements needed to be used in dangerous places.
  • Non-intrinsically safe cables may not have to go through the same level of approval or meet the same standards for use in hazardous areas. They are usually made to be used in everyday situations where there is no chance of a blast or fire.


  • Intrinsically safe wires: They are mostly used in places where there is a chance of an explosive atmosphere, like the oil and gas, petrochemical, mining, and chemical industries. They are needed to wire electrical and electronic tools in these dangerous places.
  • Non-Intrinsically Safe wires: Non-intrinsically safe wires are often used in places that aren’t dangerous and don’t need explosion protection. They are often used in homes, businesses, and factories where there is no chance of an explosive environment. When choosing and installing cables in dangerous places.

Using cables that are intrinsically safe in dangerous settings helps keep people and equipment safe by reducing the risk of fire and explosion.