How to read modbus packet?

For troubleshooting I want to read modbus packet between Master and slave ? Is there any tools available to read modbus frame

To read a Modbus packet, you need to understand the Modbus protocol, which is a communication protocol for industrial devices. The most common types of Modbus are Modbus RTU (binary) and Modbus TCP (over TCP/IP). Here’s a general guide on how to read a Modbus packet:

Structure of a Modbus Packet

Modbus RTU Packet

A typical Modbus RTU packet consists of:

  1. Slave Address (1 byte): The address of the device you are communicating with.
  2. Function Code (1 byte): Defines the operation to be performed (e.g., read or write).
  3. Data (variable length): Depends on the function code. For example, for a read request, it includes the starting address and the number of registers to read.
  4. CRC (2 bytes): A checksum for error-checking.

Modbus TCP Packet

A typical Modbus TCP packet consists of:

  1. Transaction Identifier (2 bytes): For transaction pairing; often set by the client.
  2. Protocol Identifier (2 bytes): Always 0 for Modbus.
  3. Length (2 bytes): Number of bytes following.
  4. Unit Identifier (1 byte): The same as the Slave Address in RTU.
  5. Function Code (1 byte): Defines the operation to be performed.
  6. Data (variable length): Depends on the function code.

Steps to Read a Modbus Packet

  1. Capture the Packet: Use a tool or library that can capture Modbus packets from the network or serial port. Tools like Wireshark for Modbus TCP or a serial port sniffer for Modbus RTU can be useful.
  2. Parse the Packet: Break down the packet into its components based on the structure mentioned above.

Example: Parsing a Modbus RTU Packet

Let’s say we have a Modbus RTU packet in hexadecimal format: 01 03 00 10 00 02 C4 0B.

  • Slave Address: 01
  • Function Code: 03 (Read Holding Registers)
  • Data:
    • Starting Address: 00 10 (16 in decimal)
    • Quantity of Registers: 00 02 (2 in decimal)
  • CRC: C4 0B

Example: Parsing a Modbus TCP Packet

Let’s say we have a Modbus TCP packet in hexadecimal format: 00 01 00 00 00 06 11 03 00 10 00 02.

  • Transaction Identifier: 00 01
  • Protocol Identifier: 00 00
  • Length: 00 06 (6 bytes following)
  • Unit Identifier: 11
  • Function Code: 03 (Read Holding Registers)
  • Data:
    • Starting Address: 00 10 (16 in decimal)
    • Quantity of Registers: 00 02 (2 in decimal)

Using a Library to Read Modbus Packets

There are many libraries available to help parse Modbus packets, such as pymodbus for Python. Here’s an example using pymodbus:

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient

Initialize the client

client = ModbusClient(method=‘rtu’, port=‘COM3’, baudrate=9600, timeout=1)


Read holding registers starting from address 16, quantity of 2

result = client.read_holding_registers(address=16, count=2, unit=1)

Access the data

if not result.isError():



print(“Error reading Modbus packet”)


This script initializes a Modbus RTU client, reads holding registers, and prints the result.

Click here for detailed [Step by Step Procedure for Modbus Troubleshooting](


  1. Capture the Modbus packet using a suitable tool.
  2. Break down the packet into its components based on the Modbus protocol structure.
  3. Parse and interpret the data using a library or manually. By understanding the structure of Modbus packets and using the right tools, you can effectively read and interpret Modbus communications.

Click here for knowing about Modbus Communication Protocol