How to install a pressure gauge on a pipeline


To install a pressure gauge on a pipe line and to measure the pressure.


• Pressure gauge • Isolation valve • Bleed valve • Te connector • Spanner


  1. Make the pipe line connection as shown in figure.
  2. First ensure that the isolation valve is closed and bleed valve is in open position.
  3. Install the pressure gauge.
  4. When no pressure is applied, the gauge pointer must be in zero position. If not adjust the zero.
  5. Then close bleed valve.
  6. Apply pressure.
  7. Slowly open isolation valve to ensure flow.
  8. Note down the pressure gauge reading.
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A bleed valve is used to slowly draining off pressurized gas or liquid from the instrument (here pressure gauge). If process medium pressure increase above the range of the instrument, instrument may get damaged. So we use a bleed valve which can be operated manually or automatically to protect our instrument. An isolation valve is used to stops the flow of process medium to instrument, usually for maintenance or safety purposes. Before removing the pressure gauge from the line we need to close isolation valve to prevent leakage.