How to calculate transformer iron core losses?

How to calculate transformer iron core losses? image

The alternating magnetic flux that flows through the transformer’s magnetic core causes iron loss.

To calculate transformer iron core losses, first determine the losses caused by

  • Hysteresis and
  • Eddy currents

in the core material.

These losses depend on the core material parameters,

  • The frequency of the magnetic flux, and
  • The maximum flux density.

Here’s a step-by-step calculation for calculating these losses.

Hysteresis Loss

The hysteresis loss (Ph) in a transformer core is calculated as:

Ph = kh Bmax n f V


The hysteresis constant (kh) depends on core material.

Bmax represents maximal flux density in core (in Tesla).

The Steinmetz exponent ranges between 1.6 & 2.5 for the majority of core materials.

f represents the frequency of the magnetic flow (Hz).

V represents the volume of core (mÂł).

Eddy Current Loss

The equation for eddy current loss (Pe) in a transformer core is as follows:

Pe = kh Bmax 2 f 2 t 2 V


The eddy current constant (ke) is determined by the core material’s electrical resistivity.

t represents the thickness of core laminations (in meters).

Bmax represents maximal flux density in core (in Tesla).

f represents the frequency of magnetic flow (Hz).

V represents the volume of the core (mÂł).

Total Core (Iron) Loss

The total core loss (P core) combines hysteresis & eddy current losses:

Pcore = Ph + Pe

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