How to backup critical tasks such as plant floor I/O alarm and trends?

Backups of plant floor I/O alarms and trends require various processes to maintain data integrity & availability in case of system failures.

Follow this comprehensive steps:

Step-1). Determine Critical Systems and Data

  • Find all plant-critical input/output alarms.
  • Choose important historical and real-time trend data.

Step-2). Pick a Backup

  • Backup data manually to an encrypted location regularly.
  • Use software to automate backups.

Step-3). Backup Tools and Software

  • Most SCADA systems integrate data backup.
  • Store data on SQL Server or MySQL databases and use database backup tools.
  • Cloud backup services provide redundancy & remote access.
  • Acronis, Veeam, or other specific backup software may be useful.

Step-4). Schedule Backups

  • Depending on data criticality, schedule daily or weekly backups.
  • Set a backup retention period before deleting or overwriting.

Step-5). Implement Redundancy On-Site Backups

  • Store on local servers (or) dedicated devices.
  • Store backups off-site to defend against local disasters.

Step-6). Verify Data Integrity

  • Regularly check backups for data integrity.
  • Regularly test backup restoration to verify success.

Step-7). Procedures and Documentation

  • Write out procedures, schedules, and accountable entities.
  • Create a detailed plan to recover important tasks and data.