How the Electricity deliver to our houses?
Delivering the electricity includes 8 basic steps from a generator to loads (like homes & businesses).
8 Easy Steps for Power Delivery from Generators to End-User
1). Generation 11KV
2). Step-Up Transformer 11/132KV, 220KV & 400KV
3). Transmission Lines 132KV, 220KV & 400KV
4). Substation 132KV, 220KV & 400KV / 33KV
5). Distribution Lines 33KV/11KV
6). Service Transformer 11KV/415V
7). Electric Meter
8). Household Wiring and Load
Step-1). Generation 11KV
In order to create electricity, a generator transforms mechanical energy - typically from steam, water, (or) wind - into electrical energy.
Step-2). Step-Up Transformer 11KV/132KV, 220KV & 400KV
A step-up transformer receives the electricity that is generated. By increasing the electricity’s voltage, this transformer makes long-distance transmission more effective.
Step-3). Transmission Lines 132KV, 220KV & 400KV
Transmission lines carry the high-voltage power. These are big cables that transport electricity from power plants to the substations over great distances.
Step-4). Substation 132KV, 220KV & 400KV/33KV
After receiving at a substation, the electricity passes via a step-down transformer. This lowers the voltage to a distribution level that is safer.
Step-5). Distribution Lines 33KV/11KV
Distribution lines are used to transmit the lower voltage power. Electricity is delivered to individuals & companies via these lines.
Step-6). Service Transformer 11KV/415 V
A service transformer additionally reduces voltage to a useable level (230 volts) close to residences or places of business.
Step-7). Electric Meter
Electric meters monitor the amount of electricity utilized as it goes through them.
Step-8). Household Wiring and Load
Ultimately, the electricity is transmitted to electrical appliances, lighting, & other equipment in homes (or) businesses via residential wire. Now that the energy is at a safe voltage - 230V for residences, on average - it can power an abundance of loads.
From the source of generation to the final consumers, this entire process guarantees the efficient and secure delivery of electricity.