Vibration dampers are commonly employed in high voltage & extra-high voltage electrical energy overhead transmission lines to control aeolian, galloping, or dancing vibrations in the conductors.
The dampers are designed to attenuate line vibrations by attaining the same frequency as cable’s wind-induced vibrations.
The overhead transmission line is subjected to two types of vibrations in the vertical plane, which can be divided into two categories.
Aeolian Vibration
Galloping (or) Dancing Vibration
Aeolian Vibration has a high frequency & low amplitude at shallow wind velocity (4 to 15 km/hr), such as a vibration frequency of 5 to 40 cycles/second and an amplitude of 2 cm to 5 cm with a loop length of 1 m to 10 m.
Galloping Vibration is a self-explanted form with a low frequency but a greater amplitude, such as 1/4 - 3/2 cycle/second, & an amplitude of about 10 m.
The vibration issue in the transmission line is treated by utilizing specifically constructed dampers known as Stockbridge Dampers, which are essentially a device that absorbs vibration energy and prevents vibration in transmission line.
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