How do I test the BLDC motor noise power?
Measure the acoustic noise a BLDC motor makes during operation to determine its noise power. Step-by-step instructions for this test:
Equipment Requirements
- Sound Level Meter (SLM)
- Anechoic Chamber
- BLDC Motor and Controller
- Power Supply
- Microphone
- Data Acquisition System
Testing Procedure
Step-1: To avoid measurement errors from external vibrations, mount the Brushless DC (BLDC) motor on a vibration-isolated surface.
Step-2: Place the sound level meter (or) microphone 1 meter from the motor’s center at its height.
Step-3: Conduct the test in silence to reduce background noise. Anechoic chambers are preferred, although a calm room with little echo will do.
Step-4: Measure the sound level meter per manufacturer’s instructions for reliable readings.
Step-5: The BLDC motor should be run at varied speeds and loads to capture different noise levels. Record each functioning condition.
Step-6: Record motor sound levels with the sound level meter. Record decibel (dB) values at various operation positions.
Step-7: Use the microphone and data collecting system to record sound for the frequency analysis.
Step-8: Determine noise frequency from recorded sound data. This can identify noise sources like mechanical vibrations (or) electrical switching.
Step-9: Comparing measured noise levels to the industry norms or specifications helps evaluate motor performance. ISO 3744 and ANSI S12.10 give noise measurement and permissible limits.
Step-10: Record all test conditions, methods, and outcomes. Include motor operating parameters, surroundings, equipment, and measured noise levels.
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