How can I interface a PLC and SCADA?

How can I interface a PLC and SCADA?

The following are the primary steps that need to be taken in order to successfully interface a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system:

Step-1: Choosing an appropriate communication protocol, such as Modbus, Profibus, (or) Ethernet/IP, is highly recommended.

Step-2: The PLC and the SCADA system should be connected using the proper wires (for example, Ethernet or serial).

Step-3: In order to configure the PLC, you must first set up the connectivity parameters.

Step-4: In order to connect with the PLC, you will need to configure the SCADA software.

Step-5: PLC data points should be mapped to SCADA tags.

Step-6: To display and control the data from the PLC, you should design the SCADA interface.

Step-7: Perform a test of communication by confirming that the PLC and SCADA are exchanging data.

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