Calibrating a differential pressure transmitter is much more difficult than calibrating a pressure transmitter. This is because the pressures are very small. So low-pressure gauges are used to calibrate the differential pressure gauge.
In industries, calibration is done using devices like Wallace & Tiernan calibrator. Understand the port connections of the Wallace & Tiernan calibrator.
#calibration steps for pneumatic differential pressure transmitter:
Connect the calibrated pressure supply to the HIGH inlet pressure. Leave the LOW pressure inlet connection open.
Connect the air supply port to the 20 psi (1.4 bar) supply.
Use a pressure gauge to cover the range 0 - 20 psi (0 - 1.4bar). Connect it to the output port.
Using the manufacturer’s manual set up the differential pressure transmitter to values given by the instructor.
Use the results to draw a calibration curve in the same way as for a pressure gauge. Ensure the device gives a linear output of 3-15 psi (0.2-1 bar). Check its accuracy is within specification. Remember: 3-15 psi is not equivalent to 0.2-1bar. Calibrate using either 3-15 psi or 0.2-1 bar.
#calibration steps for electrical differential pressure transmitter:
Connect the “HIGH” inlet pressure connection to the calibrated pressure supply. Leave the “LOW” pressure connection open.
Connect up the 24V D.C. supply to the transmitter output terminals using the manufacturer’s calibration manual.
The calibration method depends on the manufacturer. You may or may not need a series load resistor. The device may be current or voltage calibrated. The manual must be used.
Set up the differential pressure transmitter to values given by the instructor.
From results obtained in the same way as for a pressure gauge, draw a calibration curve. Ensure the device gives a linear output (4 - 20 mA) and check its accuracy is within specification.