Disconnect com and in wiring from the channel A terminals on the signal input relay module.
Connect function generator to com and in with polarity.
Open front panel.
Adjust function generator for voltage of +2.5 Vdc on channel A test point (BPPLA) and channel B test point (BPPLB).
Verify that monitor display indicates 0 mil.
Change function generator voltage for full value
1 mil = 200 mV
For normal direction- adjust potentiometer (GA) for +5.00 Vdc on channel A test point.For counter direction- adjust potentiometer (GA) for 0.00 Vdc on channel A test point.The scale factor is 200mV/mil for 40-0-40 range and full scale voltage change is 40x200 mV = 8.00 Vdc.
If normal direction is towards the probe, the full value is the zero voltage minus the full scale voltage, (-10.00) – (-8.00) = -2.00 Vdc input. If normal direction is away from the probe, the full value is the zero voltage plus the full scale voltage, (-10.00) + (-8.00) = -18.00 Vdc input.
If the voltage does not match the table above, adjust the gain potentiometer (GA) until the voltage at the channel A test point (BPPLA) is +5.00 Vdc for -2.00 Vdc input and adjust the zero potentiometer (ZA) until the voltage at the channel A test point(BPPLA) is 0.00 Vdc for -18.00Vdc input.
When finished, disconnect the function generator and multimeter and reconnect the com and in wiring to the channel terminals on the Signal input relay module that was disconnected in step 1.Verify that the OK led comes on and the OK led relay energizes.Press the RESET switch on the system monitor to reset the flashing OK led.
Repeat steps 1 through 8 for channel B substituting ZB for ZA,GB for GA and BPPLB for BPPLA.