Difference Between Capacitor and Battery

How does a capacitor charge and discharge is it enitrely different from the battery charging

Capacitors accumulate charge according to the flow of electricity. whereas battery’s hold the charge almost indefinitely as soon as the charge has ceased. also, battery’s store charges chemically whereas capacitors accumulate charge between two plates like an ice cream sandwich.

A battery generates electricity normally from chemical reactions. I say normally as there are other types of electrical generation which don’t use a chemical reaction and might be considered a battery (getting off subject). A capacitor does not generate electricity rather it needs to be charged from another source. Batteries store energy chemically - capacitors do it electrostatically in the form of charge. Both are capable of maintaining a charge for quite some time after disconnected.

A battery is designed to provide electricity normally through chemical means. That’s why when you go to a department store and buy a battery it has a voltage rating. That voltage rating is what the battery is designed to provide. While if you go to a department store and if not met with strange looks you won’t find any capacitor because they are not designed to provide electricity. The voltage rating on a capacitor isn’t the voltage they provide rather the charge voltage rating that should not be exceeded otherwise you risk damaging or destroying the capacitor. Capacitors are not designed to provide electricity to power devices (they are a few exceptions) because a capacitor needs to be charged and will discharge very quickly if there’s not a lot of resistance.

Difference Between Capacitor and Battery

Capacitor vs Battery

Capacitor Battery
The electric field contains potential energy. Potential energy is stored in the form of chemical energy, which is then transformed to electrical energy.
It functions as a circuit’s passive component. It is an active component in a circuit.
It has less energy density than a battery. It has higher energy density than a capacitor.
Because energy is stored directly on the plates, charging and discharging times are faster than with a battery. Charging and discharging speeds are significantly slower due to the conversion of chemical energy to electricity.
It discharges instantly. Runs for a longer duration.
While discharging, the voltage rapidly lowers. It provides a consistent voltage.
Higher expense. It is considerably less expensive than a capacitor.
A capacitor is made up of thin sheet metals that are kept together (or) separated by an insulating layer. Metals and chemicals combine to form this material.