- Draw system architecture showing PLC, SCADA/MMI, networking devices communication protocol details like IP address etc.
- Draw detailed block diagram of any field parameter like temp, pressure reading coming to PLC can be shown on SCADA/MMI.
- Explain 2 wire & 4 wire wiring concept.
- Draw block diagram of close loop control. Difference open and close.
- Draw server client architecture with example.
- Name different types of timers used in PLC.
- Subroutine, instruction types,
- Explain PID?
- PID Cascade mode, primary secondary
- Ramp, feed forward
- Name communication protocols and basic parameters required to establish communication between two nodes.
- What is difference between signal ground and power ground?
- Explain redundancy of controller.
- Master slave concept in Modbus
- Modbus addressing
- What is CRC? Parity?
- Thermocouple –RTD difference
- Room temp resistance for RTD.
- IP Address classes.
- Scan time of PLC.
- Why 4-20 ma not 0-20 ma?
- Bump less transfer
Honeywell Yokogawa Invensys Siemens